Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corruption Is Barrier to Development in Pakistan - 9592 Words

The Time to Wake up Competition Corruption Is a Barrier to Development in Pakistan Syed Izatullah Department of Electronic Engineering BUITEMS Quetta Outline I. INTRODUCTION 1. What is Corruption? A. The abuse of power for private gain is called corruption B. Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transferency 2. Corruption in different away of life A. Bribery B. Nepotism C. Fraud D. Embezzlement E. Political Corruption F. Administrative Corruption 3. Causes of Corruption in society 4. Genesis of Corruption 5. Consequences of Corruption II. Corruption in Pakistan and barrier to its development. 1. Factors encouraging corruption in Pakistan A. Poor government policies B. Arrival of foreign†¦show more content†¦TI Pakistan’s Time to Wake Up essay competition Page 3 of 22 Nepotism Nepotism is defined as favoritism shown by public officials to relatives or close friends regardless of merit. Nepotism is a common accusation in politics when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar power seemingly without appropriate qualifications. Fraud Fraud is defined as cheating the government through deceit. In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud. Embezzlement Embezzlement is defined as Stealing money or other government property. Embezzlement is a kind of financial fraud. For instance, a lawyer could embezzle funds from clients trust accounts, a financial advisor could embezzle funds from investors, or a spouse could embezzle funds from his or her partner. Embezzlement may range from the very minor in nature, involving only small amounts, to the immense, involving large sums and sophisticated schemes. Administrative Corruption Corruption that alters the implementation of policies, such as getting a license even if you don’t qualify for it. Political Corruption Corruption thatShow MoreRelatedDemocracy in Pakistan1572 Words   |  7 PagesDEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN OUTLINES 1. Introduction 2. What is democracy? 3. Nature of democracy. 4. Beginning of democracy 5. Democracy since creation 6. Causes of failure of democracy 7. Impacts of democracy 8. Measures for the survival of democracy 9. Conclusion â€Å"The essence of democracy is its assurance that people should so respect himself and should be so respected in his own personality that he should have opportunity equal to that of every other human being to show what he was meant to becomeRead MoreGood Governance in Pakistan1667 Words   |  7 PagesGood Governance in Pakistan. OUTLINES: 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Governance 3. Governance in Pakistan. 4. Failures of Governance in Pakistan 5. Causes of failures: 1. Political commotion 2. 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