Thursday, August 27, 2020

Assess the relationship between American security policy and American Essay

Evaluate the connection between American security strategy and American universal financial arrangement during the Cold War - Essay Example The atomic weapons contest was essentially centered around the two world superpowers at that point: the United States and the Soviet Union. The two nations, being at chances regarding political and financial structures, were attempting to demonstrate the value of vote based system (in the US) and of socialism (in the USSR) and this was the essential issue vulnerable War. Given the universal intensity of the two nations as far as military may and worldwide partnerships, both the Soviet Union and the United States lived in steady dread of the other and in this way the two countries got associated with the alleged weapons contest to acquire however many atomic bombs as could reasonably be expected. This was an impediment strategy with respect to the two nations whereby it turned out to be evident that if either were to strike in a demonstration of war, the other would fight back to the furthest reaches and cause greatest harm. Incidentally it was the enormous stores of atomic bombs that were intended to keep the United States and the Soviet Union from assaulting each other and transforming the Cold War into a genuine war. Ano Another security strategy utilized in the United States during the Cold War was organizing (Sumi and Salla 103). The primary target of the American government right now was the regulation of socialism around the globe, and to stop the spread of a belief system it saw as essentially defective and risky, the US gave a valiant effort to shape collusions or just keep up amicable associations with those nations that were in nearness to the Soviet Union. Generally, this implied the nearby perception of western European countries and specifically a high enthusiasm for the monetary status of both West and East Germany. Since World War II Germany was a partitioned country, with the West side embracing private enterprise and vote based system while the East stayed socialist. Like the Korean and Vietnam wars, the battles of West and East Germany turned into a physical war zone for the goals of a Cold War between two countries that could never officially make a move (Ball and Arnold 132). The objective of the United States being to stay a protected nation while all the while abusing socialism implied that universal systems administration was vital, and this is the reason security arrangements and global monetary strategies were associated so intently during the Cold War. The significant impact of the United States over key western European countries came due to the War; in the outcome of World War II a lot of framework and auxiliary harm had been never really like the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Norway and Sweden, and with the origination of the Marshall Plan the US had made sense of how to utilize worldwide outside financial arrangement for its immediate potential benefit over the Soviets (Bonds 180). The Marshall Plan, also called the European Recovery Plan, directed assets to debilitated economies who vowed to help free enterprise and vote based system consequently. Generally these nations were at that point genius vote based system and had no enthusiasm for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Jackson Pollock and Modern Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jackson Pollock and Modern Art - Essay Example The exposition Jackson Pollock and Modern Art investigates the craft of Jackson Pollock and his effect with regards to Modern Art. He was â€Å"a roughshod, rude, monstrously yearning, forceful, heavy drinker, tormented craftsman .† This picture is essential to an understanding of the obviously clamorous nature of quite a bit of Pollock’s works, and the method that prompted them. Nonetheless, as is regularly the situation with innovative specialists of various kinds, and especially painters, for example, Pollock, there was a technique to his frenzy. As Toynton has called attention to, movies of Pollock making his artworks plainly show that even the most theoretical of them start as metaphorical works and just move into the theoretical as they develop.Pollock moved his canvas from the easel to the floor, in this manner empowering him to take a shot at a lot bigger canvases without any difficulty than previously, and furthermore to see them from different perspectives. In one uncovering explanation he discussed his strategy and why he utilized it: My artistic creation doesn't originate from the easel. I scarcely ever stretch the canvas before painting. I like to attach the unstretched canvas to the hard divider or the floor. I need the obstruction of a hard surface. On the floor I am more calm. I feel closer, more piece of the artistic creation, since along these lines I can stroll around it, work from the four sides and truly be in the painting. It is fascinating to take note of that Pollock takes an exceptional but then easygoing way to deal with his work of art. In this way the way that he doesn't experience the regularly difficult procedure. of extending the canvas before painting on it, yet rather simply attaching it to a divider or floor represents the easygoing, practically crude strategy for planning. Simultaneously Pollock turns out to be all the more seriously engaged with the work of art, as though he were really a piece of it: I keep on escaping from the typical painter's apparatuses, for example, easel, palette, brushes, and so forth. I incline toward sticks, trowels, blades and dribbling liquid paint or a substantial impasto with sand, broken glass or other remote issue included. At the point when I am in my painting, I'm not mindful of what I'm doing. It is simply after a kind of 'acclimate' period that I see what I have been about. I have no dread of making changes, pulverizing the picture, and so forth., on the grounds that the artistic creation has its very own existence. I attempt to let it come through. It is just when I lose contact with the artistic creation that the outcome is a wreck. In any case there is unadulterated agreement, a simple give and take, and the work of art comes out well. (Varnedoe, 23) Being in the painting is obviously barely new to Pollock, yet the way that his procedure evidently fitted into his passionate and scholarly connection to the work of art is. His physical procedure: remaining on and in this manner inside the canvas, had a significant impact both upon his manifestations tons of innovative craftsmen all in all and painters specifically, for a considerable length of time both during and after his lifetime. Pollock implied, albeit never expressly expressed, that he was affected by Native American sand works of art, which are made by streaming meager lines of shaded sand onto a level surface. After WWII, in 1947 Pollock started what he called his activity works of art, which were at any rate mostly educated by the surrealist thoughts of mystic automatism. This automatism was intended to be an immediate articulation of the oblivious. An immediate articulation of something which is, by definition, mysterious to the cognizant brain may appear to be a

Friday, August 21, 2020

Best College Application Supplement of 2018 TKG

Best College Application Supplement of 2018 After the Common App essay, supplements are the second-most creative part of the college application process. Actually, they’re really the only other creative part. Grades and test scores are quantitative, and recommendations are out of your control once you’ve requested them. The essay and the supplements are the places you get to speak in your voice and to be yourself. But where the main essay needs to work for every school you apply to; your supplements need to be tailored. Reuse a story, sure. Copy and paste a supplement, though, and you’re setting yourself up for failure. (We’ve all heard horror stories of when a supplement about Hamilton is accidentally sent to Middlebury, and it happens more often than you’d even imagine.)The fun of supplements is that they offer many opportunities to explore the myriad of ideas that didn’t work for your essay, but that are compelling nonetheless. One of my favorite supplements of 2018 came from just this sort of process. Faced wit h the “Additional Information Section,” â€"which, for the record, isn’t optionalâ€"we wanted to show a totally different side of the student. He is a successful athlete and a curious academic, but what we felt was missing was a view of him at home. What happens in the ‘off-hours’? What, we asked him, happens in the kitchen?As soon as he mentioned that he makes a particular dish with his father on special occasions, the pieces started falling into place. He was passionate not just about dumpling making, but about the culture behind the food, and the time he got to spend with his dad in the making of it. This also gave us an opportunity to bring his Korean-American heritage into the application, without making it a central piece of it.The first step was to set the scene. We are passionate about writing pieces that are stories, so he started...“My dad and I make sujebi on special occasions. The last time we made it was this past Sunday when it snowed. It very rarely snows i n Seattle so it was indeed an occasion worth celebrating.”It’s a simple start, not overworked, and it flows into what is truly a recipe, although with a more narrative structure. Steps form the frame of the piece, with the story weaving in and out between adding salt or bringing a pot to a boil. If they wanted, an admissions official could use it as a recipe.  This is what we mean when we advocate for writing about small things. This piece of writing is simple, but it isn’t simplistic. It uses a small moment, making dumplings, to touch on a variety of topics, from the passing down of traditions to father-son bonding, to the particular importance of Electric Light Orchestra to the sujebi-making process.He writes, “turn on Electric Light Orchestra to set the mood. If you’ve never listened to them, put on their greatest hits.”There is a definite joy in keeping something interesting when it is so simple and small...“The beginning is slow and methodical. Break down the chic ken, separating the bones and the meat. When your dad isn’t looking, eat a piece of chicken. Refrigerate the rest. Pour the stock into a pot, add the bones and water until the bones are completely covered. Bring it to a boil, reduce by half, then add more water (six times). Sip occasionally, season if necessary, but, otherwise, don’t touch it. There’s no science to when it’ll be ready, but you’ll develop a gut instinct for when the broth is done.”This essay is intimate not just because it peers into the students home-life, but because it does so through a universally understandable point of connectionâ€"the kitchen. No matter where you live or what recipes you use, there is no need to translate the emotions that comfort foods elicit. It doesn’t need to be explained, because everyone has their version of it.In the end, the student wrapped the piece up without overworking the imagery or stretching towards a profound meaning that doesn’t need to be explicitly stated.  â €œFried chicken, mac and cheese, bacon anything, pancakes. Every culture, and every family, has a comfort food. Yes, the food is good, but the recipes are often shockingly simple for the amount of enthusiasm the dishes elicit on the table. Comfort food is as much about taste as it is about memories. Memories of ripped up brontosauruses, nearly burnt hands, grandmother’s kitchen, dad at the stove, and always picking a spoon over a fork, even though either will do.”We loved this supplement so much that we modified it to work for multiple applications. Not a copy and paste job, but a strong example of how good writing can be reused if you take the time to do it right.

Monday, May 25, 2020

In Love and War - 2060 Words

In Love and War Abstract: Women of Afghanistan are forced to live under oppressive regulations set forth for them by the men of their societies. Women have virtually no rights to do anything for themselves. There entire lives are controlled by and lived for someone else. Through their songs, they lament the conditions of their lives and are able to convey a beauty in their verses that all people can identity with. (67 words) Key Words: Pashtun, women, honor, oppression, songs Love and war, two concepts that are so contradictory it is hard to believe they could ever coexist simultaneously in one society. War is a state of conflict, hostility and chaos which reeks havoc on civilizations as opposing forces struggle to defend†¦show more content†¦Though each of these songs is unique, they all continuously exalt three familiar themes that taste of blood (XVI). These themes are love, honor and death. Love is forbidden for the Pashtun woman. As previously mentioned she is subject to an arranged marriage which never takes into account her feelings of love, but rather the most economically sound decision for her fathers family. Being forced into this unwanted union she must submit herself to a man she does not care for and often suppress her true emotions for another whom she cannot openly love. When speaking of the husband, a Pashtun woman never speaks in terms of endearment, but rather mocks as she incessantly refers to him a s the little horror. Love is strictly prohibited by the Pashtun honor code and is punishable by death (2). From this oppression rises the song of lovers. Women can only love in secret, at night when the rest of the village is asleep. She is able to see her lover only for a few short hours in the darkness until she must return to her life of submission by day. Last night I was close to my lover, oh evening of love not to return again! Like a bell, with all my jewels and deep into the night I was chiming in his arms.(5) In these songs she is not afraid to raise subjects that are forbidden as she sings with brutal honesty. She speaks of her body freely and exalts her capacity to love. She isShow MoreRelatedLove And War And Love1513 Words   |  7 Pageson war and love. They also have their own opinions on a way to go about these things. These two subjects seem to be completely opposite of each other, but they still manage to tie in together. They might not be the same thing but in certain scenarios they can be viewed as the same thing. For example, in some situations love can be considered the same as war. However, love and war can contradict themselves at the same time to. Sometimes, love can bring war, but war can also lead people to love. ItRead MoreEssay on In Love and War2036 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"In Love and War† Abstract: Women of Afghanistan are forced to live under oppressive regulations set forth for them by the men of their societies. Women have virtually no rights to do anything for themselves. There entire lives are controlled by and lived for someone else. Through their songs, they lament the conditions of their lives and are able to convey a beauty in their verses that all people can identity with. (67 words) Key Words: Pashtun, women, honor, oppression, songs Love and war, twoRead MoreAll Is Fair in Love and War1703 Words   |  7 PagesJoshua Anderson Professor Sarada Conaway Art History 105 November 17, 2012 All is Fair in Love and War There is a saying that is passed around within the military community that states, â€Å"For those who have never served, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.† Freedom has been protected at all costs throughout the centuries and people have been inspired for centuries through the use of art. In regards to those individuals that do fight for that freedom, the people of theirRead MoreThe Iliad : Greeks And Their Love For War1568 Words   |  7 PagesCLAS1101 The Iliad: Greeks and Their Love for ‘War’ It has long been a popular scholarly opinion that the Greeks in the Iliad were lovers of war and violence. The Greeks were most definitely primal beasts, and blood shedders, a fact made abundantly clear in the Iliad. However, I think that the Greeks were not lovers of war, furthermore I think this interpretation is shortsighted. The amount of violence in the Iliad seems to be evidence for their love of war, but the ancient world was primal andRead MoreAll Is Fair in Love and War - Paper1036 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion: All is fair in love and war- do you agree or disagree and explain why? Answer: Love and war are two contrasting forces; the former involves care and personal attachment while the latter involves brute force and destruction. They are also very similar in the sense that success in love and war can lead to the creation of happiness, relationship, devotion, liberty and freedom etc. all of which can shape a persons or societies lifestyle. However, because of such tempting and importantRead MoreLove And Loss During The Great War1575 Words   |  7 Pagesaudience an idea of many of the hardships and sacrifices the ones before us and our families today have made for love and for our country. After reading the entire play, I thought it was an intriguing and stunning play. It’s character driven, and has an abundance of emotion, passion and history. I felt very inspired by the romantic storyline. I was fully captured by the play and blossoming of love between Mary Chalmers and Charlie Edwards. I definitely knew right away that I wanted to take the fun andRead MoreThemes of Love and War in A Farewell to Arms2028 Words   |  9 Pagespoets, playwrights, and authors. The themes of love and war are featured in literature, and inspire authors to write wartime romances that highlight these two themes. Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms deals with the collective themes in the human experience such as love and the reality of war. A Farewell to Arms is narrated from the perspective of Fredric Henry, an ambulance driver in the Italian army, and pertains to his experiences in the war. The novel also highlights the passionate relationshipRead MoreWar Is Peace And The Purpose Of The Ministry Of Love Essay2619 Words   |  11 Pagesform of the slogan that War is Peace and the purpose of the Ministry of Love. Doublethink is essentially â€Å"an unending series of victories over your own memory,† a form of â€Å"‘reality control’† that allows the party to manipulate the outer party members. The idea that War is Peace allows the government to wage continuous warfare on opposing countries, while death and destruction wreaks havoc in 1984 London. However, the general public is under the impressions that through war they will find peace becauseRead MoreAlls Fair in Love and War Essay2364 Words   |  10 PagesAll’s fair in Love and War We have all realized, at one point, that war is a part of our society; it is a part of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. In the times that we are in today the only way to be a hero is to do something charitable, or to stand up for your political beliefs. The sad truth is that our society today no longer accepts the war aspect as being a hero. In my eyes a person that is brave and courageous to risk their lives for someone is definitelyRead More Through Love and War: The Korean War Story Essay examples1758 Words   |  8 PagesThrough Love and War: The Korean War Story Freddie’s Market during the early 1950s would be the host of much gossip and change. The Corsica Cafà © would lend itself to long political debates and chats over coffee. Meanwhile, the Korean War would be blasting through the decade of the 1950s. The fashions, the fads, the prices, the music, the art, and the infamous Korean War tell the story of the decade we call the fabulous fifties. â€Å"I remember working at Freddie’s Market in Corsica, SD. I would

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Effect Of The Business Cycle Essay - 983 Words

This study uses time-series data from the CPS March data to investigate the effect of the business cycle from 2003 to 2014 on the wage differentials between females and males. The CPS is a monthly sample survey of approximately 60,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which can be considered as the primary source of labor force statistics for the population of the United States. This study also uses data from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) to get the state unemployment rate from 2003 to 2014. LAUS is a Federal-State cooperative effort that publishes monthly estimates of employment and unemployment for approximately 7,300 areas, including all states, countries, metropolitan areas, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more, by residence. Labor force data from the LAUS program follows the same CPS concepts and definitions used for the national labor force data. In particular, this study uses the seasonal adjustment monthly state unemployment rate, which eliminates the influences of weather, holidays, the opening and closing of schools, and other recurring seasonal events from economic time series. Since the CPS collects data through interviewing a limited amount of people, it cannot fully represent the labor market of the United States because of the sample selection bias. Also, since the CPS data is gathered by interviews, the status of survey respondents is only determined by how they respond to the survey.Show MoreRelatedEffects of Business Cycles1731 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction In general the economy tends to experience different trends. These trends can be grouped as the business/trade cycle and may contain a boom, recession, depression and recovery. A business/trade cycle (see figure 1) is the periodic but irregular up-and-down movements in economic activity, measured by fluctuations in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other macroeconomic variables. Samuelson and Nordhaus (1998), defined it as ‘a swing in total national input, income and employmentRead MoreDefinition Of Liabilities1623 Words   |  7 Pageswhich are we purchase product, service or take money in credit base and we can make a promise to creditors to we can pay those money in future. Overdraft When a person or business require money this time overdraft facility can be use. In this facility money is withdrawn from a bank account. In this facility a person or business withdraw money and the available balance goes below zero. In this situation call to be overdrawn. Provision for Income Taxes All provision is making for uncertain timingRead MoreThe Impact Of Neoclassical Economics On The Economy Essay1344 Words   |  6 Pagesboth the private sector (households and privately owned businesses) and public sector (government) have an active and important role in the economy. He argued that in a capitalist economy, the government would have a direct response to where in a business cycle the economy was at any particular time—Borrow to spend in a Recession or Bust, and spend only to the level of revenue collected during a period of growth or Booms. Milton Friedman, an American economist, believed strongly in a neoclassical, one-directionalRead MoreBusiness Cycle Theories : A General Comparison1625 Words   |  7 Pages Business Cycle Theories: A General Comparison Maria Sciarrino Niagara University ECO101HON â€Æ' Business Cycle Theories: A General Comparison Throughout history, economies have experienced times of high growth and low unemployment as well as times of little or negative growth and high unemployment. It is controversial whether or not these instances occurred from regular fluctuations in the market. These alternating up and down fluctuations typically occur over several years, with each individualRead MoreMexico Business Cycle1260 Words   |  6 PagesMexico’s Business Cycle The term business cycle or economic cycle refers to the fluctuations of economic activity around its long-term growth trend. 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The argument will bring out some definitionsRead MoreDoes Oil Price Shocks Affect Business Cycles?994 Words   |  4 PagesIt is often said that oil price shocks affect business cycles, triggering a detrimental effect on the economic activity of some countries when they rise and a favourable effect when they fall. One instance could be the U.S., where the data suggests that most recessions after 1973 have been headed by oil price increases, which is often taken as evidence of recessions being caused by oil price shocks. This brings up to question through which channels oil price shocks might be transmitted to economicRead MoreThe Cause And Effect Of Leaded Gasoline1544 Words   |  7 PagesUnfortunately, these problems did no t cease to exist on the chimerical border between the past and the present. In fact, the United States is once again faced with decisions to make regarding significant economic issues in the form of externalities and business cycles. The first major problem facing the U.S. today is that of externalities. An externality is a cost associated with the production or consumption of a good or service in the economy that is not paid for by the producer or the consumer. When thisRead MoreClimate Change Is Destroying The World Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagesfor decades now. Although, in the last 30 years climate change has become a very controversial topic in the world of politics and business. This topic has went from scientist observing small changes in the weather, to a multi-billion dollar campaigns ran by the world’s governments and private industries. The topic of climate change has influenced everything from business decisions to new laws being put into place. The debate in climate change is usually found on the worldwide political stage. RarelyRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Characteristics of a Growing and a Mature Product Market1034 Words   |  5 Pagescharacteristics of a growing and a mature pro duct market. Regardless of the value of every product, they all progress through a product life cycle. The phase starts with the introduction of the product and gradually moves to growth, maturity and finally be replaced by new improved products or naturally decline. Each of these stages of product life cycle requires a different marketing mix and research. The life of a product is the period over which it appeals to customers. The sales performance

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corruption Is Barrier to Development in Pakistan - 9592 Words

The Time to Wake up Competition Corruption Is a Barrier to Development in Pakistan Syed Izatullah Department of Electronic Engineering BUITEMS Quetta Outline I. INTRODUCTION 1. What is Corruption? A. The abuse of power for private gain is called corruption B. Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transferency 2. Corruption in different away of life A. Bribery B. Nepotism C. Fraud D. Embezzlement E. Political Corruption F. Administrative Corruption 3. Causes of Corruption in society 4. Genesis of Corruption 5. Consequences of Corruption II. Corruption in Pakistan and barrier to its development. 1. Factors encouraging corruption in Pakistan A. Poor government policies B. Arrival of foreign†¦show more content†¦TI Pakistan’s Time to Wake Up essay competition Page 3 of 22 Nepotism Nepotism is defined as favoritism shown by public officials to relatives or close friends regardless of merit. Nepotism is a common accusation in politics when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar power seemingly without appropriate qualifications. Fraud Fraud is defined as cheating the government through deceit. In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud. Embezzlement Embezzlement is defined as Stealing money or other government property. Embezzlement is a kind of financial fraud. For instance, a lawyer could embezzle funds from clients trust accounts, a financial advisor could embezzle funds from investors, or a spouse could embezzle funds from his or her partner. Embezzlement may range from the very minor in nature, involving only small amounts, to the immense, involving large sums and sophisticated schemes. Administrative Corruption Corruption that alters the implementation of policies, such as getting a license even if you don’t qualify for it. Political Corruption Corruption thatShow MoreRelatedDemocracy in Pakistan1572 Words   |  7 PagesDEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN OUTLINES 1. Introduction 2. What is democracy? 3. Nature of democracy. 4. Beginning of democracy 5. Democracy since creation 6. Causes of failure of democracy 7. Impacts of democracy 8. Measures for the survival of democracy 9. Conclusion â€Å"The essence of democracy is its assurance that people should so respect himself and should be so respected in his own personality that he should have opportunity equal to that of every other human being to show what he was meant to becomeRead MoreGood Governance in Pakistan1667 Words   |  7 PagesGood Governance in Pakistan. OUTLINES: 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Governance 3. Governance in Pakistan. 4. Failures of Governance in Pakistan 5. Causes of failures: 1. Political commotion 2. No democratic setup 3. Military intrusion 4. Feudal indulgence 5. Massive Corruption 6. Constitutional crises 7. Institutional clashes 8. Mismanagement of resources 9. Lack of Accountability 10. Over Exploitation of funds 11. Restrictions on media 12. Ethnic conflicts 13. Secterianism 14. Extremism 6 EssentialsRead MoreIndia And Pakist An Ideal Comparative Pair Essay1746 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1947, India and Pakistan became newly independent states, leaving behind British colonial rule. Due to the shared geographical location, background and culture between these nations, these two countries have often been compared against each other. However, since earning independence, India and Pakistan have undergone significantly different political trajectories. This paper will explore various factors that have impacted the nation-building of these countries and understand why India has beenRead MoreIndia s Foreign Direct Investments1708 Words   |  7 Pagesbig corporation’s foreign direct investments (Ranker, 2014). But India has had to come a long way to stand to where it is now. Several events throughout history have made the nation struggle, from religious to political issues, from economical to corruption, India has truly become a role model (still in transition) for tho se under developed countries that brawl every day to ameliorate their conditions. The Harvard Business School Case takes place in February of 2003. It shows a troubled Jaswant SinghRead More Challenges of a Global Business Essay1176 Words   |  5 Pagesand policies. Among those there are also culture and language barriers that contribute to the origin of ethical dilemmas. More than anything cultures is one of the primary reason for why ethical issues come up amongst all others. Globalization is criticized for its practice of unethical behavior in countries where individual’s freedoms are subjective. Some of many global ethical issues that exist in today’s world include corruptions and money laundering, human rights under totalitarian regimesRead MoreHurdles Impeding Development of Pakistan2259 Words   |  10 PagesWhat are development issues in Pakistan identify the obsession hurdles impeding development of Pakistan? Scarred from birth, Pakistans quest for survival has been as compelling as it has been uncertain. Pakistan cycled through a number of phases of development through its beginning Political, Social and Economic crises. The politicians were corrupt, interested in maintaining their political power and securing the interests of the elite, so to have them as the representative authority did notRead MoreEconomic Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Its Impact on Trade and Growth in Pakistan3124 Words   |  13 PagesGROWTH IN PAKISTAN† SUBMITTED BY: â€Å"SHIRAZ KHAN† (6001) TOPIC Economic Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and its Impact on Trade and Growth in Pakistan AUTHOR Shiraz Khan Business Graduate, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan. ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) in context of Pakistan is one of the major contributors that help Pakistan to minimize the gap of financial resources and funds. FDI has played a significant and vital role in the domestic markets of Pakistan and hasRead MoreExamples Of Position Of Officer967 Words   |  4 PagesAdministration from Preston University Pakistan. Subsequently, I earned my Dual MPH degree in Epidemiology and Global Health, and my PhD in Epidemiology at the University of South Florida, College of Public Health. Here, I would like to briefly address the critical competencies in the position description. With over 10 years of experience in public health, I have led multiple projects in global health settings. I am adept in leadership, program management and strategy development. The unique combination ofRead MoreViral Infectious DiseasesPolio or Poliomyelitis1368 Words   |  5 Pagesthe lasting immunity. In 1910 most parts the world especially in big cities experience a dramatic increase in polio cases which led to the death and paralysis of thousands of adults and children. This epidemic provided a great motivation for the development of a vaccine. In the 1950s, the first polio vaccine was developed which helped to reduce polio infections from hundreds of thousands a year to just below a thousand polio cases a year in 2013. GLOBALRead MoreWe will be importing handmade traditional jewelry from India’s local stores to the United States.1700 Words   |  7 PagesThis paper will talk about India’s Risk and Analysis, like its geography, demography, economic situation, political situation, social and cultural situations. Geography: India is located in southern Asia next to Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Burma, Pakistan, and Nepal. Its climate varies from tropical monsoon to temperate plus upland plains in south, flat to rolling plain along the Ganges. It also has deserts in the western area and some Himalayas in the Northern. Though India does not have the winter

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business and Corporation Law for Caparo Industries -myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theBusiness and Corporation Law for Caparo Industries. Answer: Issue Is Mac Tools Ltd liable for committing negligence? Is Aurora liable for committing contributory negligence? Is Jessie negligent for the broken glass vase? Law Negligence The negligence law was established in the case Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] that stated that in order to establish a claim for negligence; the claimant must establish the following elements: Duty of Care In order to establish that the defendant owed a duty of care towards the defendant and is responsible for personal injury, the test of proximity is applied. It states that defendant must be so close to the plaintiff that his actions or omissions would reasonably cause damage to the plaintiff as was observed in Caparo Industries pIc v Dickman [1990]. Breach of the Duty In order to determine whether the defendant has caused breach of the duty, the court shall apply the objective test explained in Vaughan v Menlove [1837]. The test determines the foreseeability of the risk where the defendant must make efforts to avert the risks. The action of the defendant to avoid such risks shall be such that any reasonable person would take such steps to avoid the same risks (Graham, 2016). Breach of duty resulted in damages Whether the damages were caused due to the breach of the duty is usually determined by the courts using the But for test that was established in the Barnett v Chelsea Kensington Hospital [1969]. The but for test inquires But for the act of the defendant, would the harm have taken place? In case there are two parties who are responsible for causing damages for their negligent acts and where their individual acts would have individually caused damages, both such parties shall be liable for negligence, as each of the causes shall be considered as considerable factor. Damage was foreseeable and not remote Further, the defendant shall be liable if the damages suffered by the plaintiff were foreseeable by the defendant and the damage was the direct result of the breach of duty of care defendant. Contributory negligence If the plaintiff voluntarily pays no attention to basic rules or warnings and fails to ensure his/her own safety, the plaintiff is said to be partly liable for the damages caused to him/her. However, contributory negligence cannot be used as a defense unless the plaintiff has voluntarily assumed the risk, which any reasonable person would have voided under the same circumstances. Workplace Safety Practice The Work Health Safety practice requires the workers to use any personal protective equipment while working and not willfully themselves or others. Employees must exercise duty of care to guard against any economic loss in performing their work otherwise, they shall be liable in the event of a loss as was held in Hedley Byrne Co Ltd v Heller Partners Ltd [1964]. Application In the given scenario, MacTools Ltd is liable for negligence and Aurora is liable for contributory negligence. This is evident from the fact that Mac Tools Ltd was aware of the fact that if the drill is used for more than 5 minutes, there is a 1% chance it may result in short circuit and cause injury or damage to the user. However, the company did not rectify the defect, which a reasonable person would, due to huge expenses. As was held in Donoghues case, any person whose actions or omission would directly cause damage to other person owes duty of care towards the person. Here, Aurora was the consumer of the drill sold by Mac Tool Ltd , hence, the company breached its duty of care causing damage to Aurora and Jessie due to the over usage of the drill and power cut due to the short circuit defect. The damage caused must be a direct result of the breach of the defendants duty. Mac Tool Ltd could reasonable foresee that the defect in the drill would result in short circuit yet it did not mae attempt to avert the risk. While Mulan lent the power drill to Aurora with the instructions, which included the safety warnings that required the users to wear protective goggles, aurora did not read the instructions, used it for 10 minutes, and lost her eye. Here, Aurora voluntarily refused to read the safety warnings and assumed the risk which any reasonable person would have avoided. Here if the but-for test is applied it can be observed that even if Mac Tool mentioned about the short circuit warning, Aurora would have suffered the injuries as she voluntarily did not read the instructions which required her to wear protective goggles for eye safety. Jessie is personally liable for the economic loss to her employer as she should have exercised duty of care and should have used personal property equipment while making the glass, as she is personally responsible to guard against any economic loss as held in Hellers case. Conclusion Mac Tool Ltd is liable for negligence and Aurora is responsible for contributory negligence. Jessie is liable for breaching duty of care while making the glass vase. References Barnett v Chelsea Kensington Hospital [1969] 1 QB 428 Caparo Industries pIc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605 Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 Graham, J. C. (2016). Proof of Negligence.Florida Torts,1. Hedley Byrne Co Ltd v Heller Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465. Vaughan v Menlove [1837] 3 Bing NC 467